Source code for Pushup page index.up for the route /:

^import "time"

    title := pushupGreeting // pushupGreeting declared in app/pkg/app.go
    greeting := "Hello"
    name := "world"
    _ = title; _ = greeting; _ = name

^section title {

<hgroup class="greeting">
    <h1>^greeting, ^name!</h1>

<h3>Pushup is a modern web framework for Go with an old-school PHP vibe.</h3>

<p>You just generated, built, and ran your first Pushup app.</p>


    <li><b>Compiled</b><br/>fast; easy to deploy; compiler-checked safety</li>
    <li><b>Modern <a href="">hypertext</a></b><br/>great client-side interactivity from server-side apps, without JavaScript fatigue</li>
    <li><b>File-based routing</b><br/>paths to Pushup files and directories map to URLs, with dynamic options</li>
    <li><b>Builds on Go <tt>net/http</tt></b><br/>Pushup compiles down to pure Go, it's all just Go under the hood</li>
    <li><b>Live-reloading dev mode</b><br/>developer conveniences, thanks to the speed of the Go compiler</li>

^partial currenttime {
    <p hx-get="/currenttime" hx-trigger="every 1s" hx-swap="outerHTML">
        It is currently ^time.Now().Format(time.UnixDate).

<h4>What to do next?</h4>
    <li>Design the layout template at <tt>app/layouts/default.up</tt></li>
    <li>Override this file at <tt>app/pages/index.up</tt></li>
    <li>Add new Pushup pages to <tt>app/pages</tt> and see them appear as routes</li>